

Study 沟通 to discover and pursue your vocational ambitions!

Are you ready to build a fulfilling and versatile career? Would you like your major to open unexpected doors? Earn your bachelor’s degree in 沟通! You’ll study the core of the discipline – human communication – but also enjoy the freedom of specialization according to your interests. You’ll develop understanding, flexibility, compassion, and strategic thinking.


Ready to take the next step? 报名参加参观! Call us at 585-594-7612 or schedule online.




在罗伯茨, we are committed to giving you a head start in earning income and achieving your personal goals by helping you graduate in four years. 事实上,美高梅mgm平台保证.



选择专注力. Specialize your 沟通 studies through tracks such as 业务, 刑事司法, 法律系的, 和媒体.

Gain experience through a hands-on internship.

获得学士学位 三年 to save time, money, and start your career.



Athalie Fiegl ‘21 (沟通) discovered her love for communication.

她的股票, “I chose 沟通 because it’s a versatile skill that incorporated my love for writing. [The best thing about studying this major is] the classroom environment of open discussion where we can explore and analyze concepts together.”


作为传播学专业的学生, you’ll learn more than the technical skills – you’ll be nurtured as a person. You’ll learn the role and power of communication in today’s disconnected world. Develop a deep understanding of others and become the missing link!

沟通 is available as a major, minor, and a 法律系的 浓度.

Your general education will build a strong foundation as you explore 浓度s.

Examples of 浓度s:
  • 艺术
  • 业务
  • 计算机科学
  • 刑事司法
  • 性别研究
  • 历史
  • 文学
  • 法律系的
  • Public Relations and Marketing
  • 媒体
  • 音乐
  • 心理学
  • 宗教
  • 剧院
In this major, you’ll study
  • Language-based human identity
  • 沟通 theory and ethics
  • Speaking, writing, and media
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Persuasion and responsible rhetoric
  • Leadership and organizational communication
  • The power and influence of words



  • Roberts Wesleyan University
  • 美国红十字会
  • 美国银行版
  • 巴特勒/直到
  • 天主教家庭中心
  • 地方检察官办公室
  • Dixon Schwabl公司
  • 乔治·伊士曼大厦
  • GEVA剧院
  • 犹太社区中心
  • 许愿基金会
  • 开门任务
  • 总理HRSolutions
  • Rochester Broadway Theater League
  • 罗切斯特运动队
  • 罗切斯特市长办公室
  • WXXI


  • City Human Resources Manager
  • College/University 教授
  • Director of Community Relations
  • 网络体验总监 & 社交媒体
  • Employee Relations Director
  • 企业家
  • 理财规划师
  • 政府事务律师
  • 指导顾问
  • 医疗管理员
  • 图书管理员
  • 市场营销助理
  • 海外英语教师
  • 牧师/部长
  • 研究员
  • 销售经理
  • 高级数字策略师
  • 社交媒体经理
  • 剧院的助理


  • Roberts Wesleyan University
  • 克莱姆森大学
  • 杜克神学院
  • 杜肯大学
  • Fuller Theological Seminary
  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学
  • Rochester Institute of Technology
  • 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼
  • 纽约州立大学Brockport
  • 锡拉丘兹大学
  • 布法罗大学
  • 爱荷华大学
  • 缅因大学
  • 马里兰大学
  • 罗切斯特大学
  • 维拉诺瓦大学


This field focuses on all aspects of communication surrounding the human experience. It is a timeless study spanning centuries and including ever-more-expanding media.

It involves the many ways we communicate, whether interpersonally or in groups, 正式或非正式, and intentionally or unintentionally.

Through your communication courses, 浓度, 实习经历, your degree will provide you with solid preparation for any profession. You’ll know the center of the academic discipline and gain a broad sampling of the field, a comprehensive communication skill set, and professional work experience to prepare you for your future.

The flexibility of 沟通 studies at Roberts allows you to pursue electives, 多个浓度, 一个小, 甚至是双学位.

是的! You’ll pursue a vibrant academic major central to personal and professional life. A 沟通 degree will prepare you for countless careers, jobs, and professions!

  • 教授
  • 网络体验总监 & 社交媒体
  • 韩国英语教师
  • 政府事务律师
  • 授予经理
  • Employee Relations Director
  • Founder of a Non-Profit 部
  • Director of Community Relations
  • 高级数字策略师
  • 关怀社会学家
  • 剧院的助理

是的! If you come to campus for an 个人访问, you can meet individually with a professor to get an overview of the major and your individual questions answered. 美高梅mgm平台的 探索日活动 typically include a 教师 & Services Expo, where you can meet your future professors.

We are committed to helping students meet the financial obligation to earn a degree and advance a career. 美高梅mgm平台的 Office of Student Financial Services works to assist all students in their effort to maximize financial aid. We award financial assistance to 100% of our undergraduate students.


刑事司法 - The 刑事司法 major prepares students for positions in areas such as judicial services, 执法, 国土安全, 私人保安, with their 刑事司法 degree.
英语 -作为英语专业的学生, the 英语 Department prepares students for professional careers that value strong written and oral communication skills, resulting in an 英语 degree.
School of 艺术s and Humanities - 585.594.6333 - berrye@罗伯茨.edu